Términos y condiciones | Daysan Skip to content

Terms and Conditions

Legal warning

Website ownership:

Domain name: daysan.es.

Social denomination: SEVILLA 5.20 sl

Tradename: Daysan

Registered office: 41927 - Calle Comercio, 39. Mairena del Aljarafe - Seville - Spain

CIF: B90489006

Telephone: +34 669 22 52 55

Email: daysan@daysan.es.


The provider, declared as the owner in this document, hereinafter "THE COMPANY" or "the provider", responsible for the website www.daysan.es, makes this document available to users with which it intends to comply with the obligations provided in Law 34/2002, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), as well as informing all users of the website of the terms and conditions of use of this website.

Any person who accesses this website assumes the role of user, committing to strict observance and compliance with the provisions set forth herein, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable.

The provider reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website without any obligation to pre-notify or inform users of said modifications, understanding as sufficient with the publication on the provider's website. Therefore, users are advised to read it carefully each time they access the website or start the purchase process.


The provider will be responsible for the information deposited only by it and by those who depend on it or have contracted for that purpose. Likewise, it is exempt from any type of responsibility derived from the information published on its website, provided that this information has been manipulated or entered by a third party without prior authorization from the owners.

The provider's website may use cookies (small information files that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page) to carry out certain functions that are considered essential for the proper functioning and visualization of the site.

The cookies used on the website are, in any case, temporary in nature with the sole purpose of making their subsequent transmission more efficient and they disappear when the user's session ends. In no case will cookies be used to collect personal information or sensitive user data or create user profiles.

Depending on the browser and the server that the client is using, they may have the option of going to content outside the control and surveillance of the provider since these are hosted on other web pages. Therefore, given that this type of content is not available to those responsible for this website, the company does not assume any type of responsibility for the content hosted on third-party websites that the client may visit as a result of these actions.

You can review our Privacy and Cookies Policy

The provider is not responsible for the information and content stored on other websites or digital platforms, whatever their purpose, that allows third parties to publish content independently on the provider's website.

However, and by virtue of the provisions of the LSSICE, the provider makes itself available to all users, authorities and security forces, and actively collaborating in the withdrawal or, where appropriate, blocking of all those contents that could affect or contravene national or international legislation, the rights of third parties or morality or public order. In the event that the user considers that there is any content on the website that could be subject to this classification, please notify the website administrator immediately to proceed with its withdrawal via email webmaster@daysan.es .

This website has been reviewed and tested so that it works correctly and that it is guaranteed to function properly 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Likewise, the provider does not rule out the possibility that there are certain programming errors, or that causes of force majeure, natural disasters, strikes, or similar circumstances may occur that make it impossible to access the website, or the services provided therein. However, these types of anomalies will be solved as quickly as possible in order to restore the services of the website.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, THE COMPANY does not assume any responsibility derived from:

  1. The use that Clients or Users may make of the materials on this Website or linked websites without prior authorization from the PROVIDER, whether prohibited or permitted, infringing the intellectual and / or industrial property rights of the Website's content.
  2. Of the eventual damages and losses to the Clients or Users caused by a normal or abnormal operation of the search tools, of the organization or the location of the contents and / or access to the Web and, in general, of the errors or problems that are generated in the development or instrumentation of the technical elements that the Web or a program provides to the User.
  3. Of the contents of those pages that Clients or Users can access from links included in the Web, whether authorized or not.
  4. Of the acts or omissions of third parties, regardless of whether these third parties could be linked to THE COMPANY through contractual means.


The provider undertakes to comply with the Spanish and European regulations for the protection of personal data, and guarantees full compliance with the obligations set forth, as well as the implementation of the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the security of the information and be able to demonstrate that they are adequate and effective. The provider makes the Privacy and Cookies Policy available to users, informing users about the personal data protection policy:

daysan.es | T. +34 669 22 52 55 | daysan@daysan.es

You can visit our data protection policy here:



The website, including but not limited to, its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, the designs, logos, text and / or graphics are the exclusive property of the provider or, where appropriate, available of the respective license or authorization of express use by the authors. The present domain daysan.es. It is the property of THE COMPANY, reserving the use and exploitation. In addition, all intellectual and industrial property rights are held over the contents, designs and source codes of this website and, especially, the photographs, images, texts, logos, designs, brands, trade names and data that are included in the Web.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, the content of this website is also considered a computer program and, therefore, all the protection in this matter of current Spanish and European Community regulations on software and systems is also applicable. computer scientists.

All the contents of the website are duly protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations, by copyright and creation rights, as well as registered in the respective corresponding public registers. Clients and Users are warned that such rights are protected and the express consent of THE COMPANY is required for their use.

Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialization, in any case requires the express, written and prior authorization of the PROVIDER of this website. Any use or reproduction not previously authorized by the provider, will be considered a breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author. The designs, logos, text and / or graphics outside the provider and that may appear on the website, belong to their respective owners, being themselves responsible for any possible controversy that may arise regarding them. In any case, the provider has the express and prior authorization for their use.

The provider recognizes in favor of their owners, the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights, their mere mention or appearance on the website does not imply the existence of any rights or responsibility of the provider over them, nor does it imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by part of it.

To make any type of observation regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any of the contents of the website, you can do so through the email of the owner of the website daysan@daysan.es.


For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this website or the activities carried out therein, Spanish legislation will apply, to which the parties expressly submit, being competent to resolve all derivative conflicts or related to its use the Courts and Tribunals of the City of Seville.




These General Conditions of Use and Conditions of Sale regulate the use of the website www.daysan.es (hereinafter "the Website"), owned by SEVILLA 5.20 sl (from now on THE COMPANY, THE WEBSITE, THE PROVIDER , daysan or daysan.es) with address at 41927 - Calle Comercio, 39 - Mairena del Aljarafe - Seville - Spain, provided with CIF: B90489006

Through its site www.daysan.es, THE COMPANY provides information on the catalog of products available on the web and offers the possibility of acquiring them. Those users who would like to access the purchase service must have the status of "Customer", which is acquired by completing the registration form enabled on the WEB. The condition of Client implies adherence to these Terms and Conditions of Use of the Store (legal notice, privacy policy and data protection clause).

In any case, the Users who access the spaces of the Website destined to the online acquisition of the products, agree to be subject to the terms and conditions contained in the "Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website" (legal notice, policy of privacy and data protection clause), to the extent that the provisions in them may be applicable.

THE COMPANY wants to let its Clients and Users know that it is aimed exclusively at an audience over 16 years of age and that the territory in which it accepts and distributes orders is comprised of the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla (En hereinafter, the “Territory”). THE COMPANY does not ship orders abroad (except Portugal and Andorra). If a user is interested in receiving an article outside the territory of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, he must contact THE COMPANY through the contact forms provided for this, or by or by mail to daysan@daysan.es. Therefore, THE COMPANY will study the request and report on the decision on the viability of the purchase.


The descriptions of the products displayed on the Website are made based on the information provided by the manufacturing company, suppliers, official bodies and by collaborating entities. However, the information given on each product, as well as the photographs or videos relating to them and the trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs of any kind contained on the COMPANY's website, are displayed for guidance only.


The prices and offers presented are valid only and exclusively for orders placed on our website. Likewise, the prices of the products are referenced without VAT and with VAT for each of the cases (and the other taxes that may correspond). However, these prices do not include the costs corresponding to the shipment of the products, which will be calculated during the processing of the order. These are broken down separately and must be accepted by the Customer to complete the purchase.

Shipping costs for shipments to the Peninsula, Ceuta, Melilla and the Balearic and Canary Islands are calculated at the time of purchase and must be accepted and paid by the customer.


The COMPANY may publish discounts and promotions on its website that will appear referenced on the page of each product and will not be cumulative, unless otherwise indicated. These discounts will be temporary or until the end of the promoted stock, depending on the case.


All offers and prices are real according to what is indicated in each product and are in physical stock for the disposal of customers, except those that are out of stock. In no case, THE COMPANY will intentionally put more units on sale than it has or the supplier has reserved for it. However, on occasions, and due to causes difficult to control by THE COMPANY, such as human errors or incidents in computer systems, it is possible that the quantity finally served by the supplier differs from the order placed by THE COMPANY to satisfy the Clients' orders. .

In the event that the product is not available after the order has been placed, the Customer will be informed immediately by email of the total or partial cancellation of the order. The partial cancellation of the order due to lack of availability does not entitle the cancellation of the entire order, without the pertinent restitution of the unsatisfied part. If, as a result of this cancellation, the customer wants to return the delivered product, they must follow the procedure stipulated in our Returns policy.


The Customer agrees to pay at the time of placing the order to complete the purchase. To the initial price offered for each of the products, the corresponding rates will be added to the relevant shipping costs. In any case, these rates will be previously communicated to the Client before formalizing the purchase itself.

The connection on our website is secure, keeping the payment encrypted online at all times. The Client must pay the amount corresponding to their order through credit or debit card (Visa, Mastercard, Visa Electron and / or other similar cards) in the payment gateway of Banco Sabadell with virtual POS.

Once the customer makes the payment, a receipt or proof of the purchase made will automatically be generated. The voucher will be available and can be viewed at www.daysan.es in the "My orders" section of your user menu.

In the event that the Client detects any anomaly in the payment, he must contact the COMPANY to guarantee total satisfaction in the purchase process. Likewise, if the client realizes that he has received any improper or fraudulent charge on the card used for purchases, he will have to contact immediately in the shortest possible time so that THE COMPANY can, where appropriate, carry out carry out the appropriate actions.


Once the order is formalized, with the acceptance by the Client of the Conditions of Use and the confirmation of the purchase process, THE COMPANY will always send an email to the CLIENT confirming the details of the purchase made.


THE COMPANY will accept order cancellations when requested prior to shipment. To make the cancellation it is necessary to request it by sending an e-mail to daysan@daysan.es.


THE COMPANY has the appropriate security measures commercially available in the sector. In addition, the payment process works on a secure server using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. The secure server establishes a connection so that the information is transmitted encrypted using 128-bit algorithms, which ensure that it is only intelligible for the Client's computer and that of the Website. In this way, using the SSL protocol guarantees:

  1. That the Client is communicating his data to the server center of THE COMPANY and not to any other that tries to impersonate it.
  2. That between the Client and the server center of THE COMPANY the data is transmitted encrypted, avoiding its possible reading or manipulation by third parties.

COMODO CA Limited guarantees the encryption of the data.


The client may exercise their right of withdrawal by virtue of article 102 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws , which will consist of 14 calendar days from the receipt of the merchandise. However, the client will not be able to exercise their right of withdrawal in the case of digital content that is not provided on a material support, as set out in article 103 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, as well as other exceptions to the right to withdrawal.

To exercise this right, the client must follow the procedure established in the RETURNS section.


Product delivery

THE COMPANY undertakes to deliver the product in perfect condition to the address indicated by the Client in the order form, and which in any case must be within the Territory of sale stipulated above. In order to optimize delivery, we thank the Customer for indicating an address where the order can be delivered within normal business hours.

THE COMPANY will not be responsible for errors caused in the delivery when said address entered by the Client in the order form does not conform to reality, has been totally or partially omitted, or for any other circumstance not attributable to THE COMPANY. However, the Customer may report the anomaly as soon as possible to correct delivery errors. If the correction is not possible because the order has left THE COMPANY's facilities, the Client is informed that the order may be divided into several deliveries.

Delivery times

Shipments will be made through a courier company external to THE COMPANY. The order placed will be delivered within a maximum period of 10 working days from the confirmation of the order. However, the usual delivery time is usually between 3 and 6 days, from the completion of the order.

These deadlines are an estimate. For this reason, it is possible that they vary for logistical reasons or force majeure, such as, for example, by State of Alarm derived from a health crisis. However, in cases of delays in deliveries, THE COMPANY will inform its clients of the delay in delivery.

Each delivery is considered made from the moment in which the transport company makes the product available to the Customer, which is materialized through the control system used by the transport company.

In the event that the delay in the delivery of orders is due to causes attributable to THE COMPANY, the Client may cancel their order in accordance with the procedure described in the RETURN Section. Delays in delivery will not be considered those situations in which the order has been made available to the Customer by the transport company within the agreed period, and that it could not be delivered due to any circumstance applicable to the customer.

Delivery Data, Deliveries not made and Loss

If at the time of delivery the Customer is absent, the carrier will leave a receipt indicating how to proceed to arrange a new delivery. THE COMPANY, when hiring an external transport service, will carry out the appropriate follow-up actions aimed at guaranteeing that the delivery is carried out properly.

If after 7 business days after the delivery of the order, delivery has not been arranged, the Client must contact THE COMPANY. In the event that the Client does not proceed in this way, after 10 business days from the delivery of the order, it will be returned to our warehouses and the Client will be responsible for the shipping costs and return to origin of the merchandise, as well as possible associated management fees.

If the reason why delivery has not been possible is the loss of the package, THE COMPANY will initiate an investigation in order to clarify the facts with the external transport company giving an immediate response to the customer.

Diligence and anomalies in delivery

The Client must check the good condition of the package with the carrier that delivers the requested product, indicating on the delivery note any anomaly that may be detected in the packaging. If, later, once the product has been reviewed, the Client detects any incident such as blow, breakage, signs of having been opened or any damage caused by the shipment, he will have to notify THE COMPANY in the shortest period of time possible, before the next 24 hours from delivery. From that moment on, incidents due to shipping defects will not be dealt with, without prejudice to claiming the legal guarantee of the products.


Return procedure

All products purchased on the Website may be returned and reimbursed, provided that the Customer communicates to THE COMPANY his intention to return the purchased product (s) within the legal withdrawal period, which will be 14 calendar days from the delivery date and that the rest of the conditions established in this section are met.

THE COMPANY will only accept returns that meet the following requirements:

  1. The product must be in the same state in which it was delivered and must retain its original packaging and labeling.
  2. The shipment must be made using the same box in which it was received to protect the product. In the event that it cannot be done with the box with which it was delivered, the Customer must return it in similar conditions as the order was received.
  3. A copy of the delivery note must be included in the package, where the returned products are also marked and, if the Customer requires, the reason for the return.

In order to facilitate the return process for Clients and to be able to correctly monitor it, THE COMPANY establishes the only return procedure established by THE COMPANY. If the reason for the return is attributable to THE COMPANY (the product is defective, different product, etc.), the amount of the return will be refunded. In the remaining returns, the shipment will be made by the Customer.

To proceed with a return, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Report within 14 calendar days from receipt of the product that you want to be returned.
  2. THE COMPANY will inform the customer of the address to which the product must be sent.
  3. THE COMPANY will collect the product (s) at the delivery address stipulated in the customer's purchase through an external carrier, in the same way that it was shipped.
  4. The Client will have to inform the COMPANY about the date and time of the withdrawal of the products.


The return of the products will give rise to a refund equal to the cost of the returned products less the cost of the return service in cases where the return is not attributable to THE COMPANY.

Returns and partial cancellations will result in partial refunds.

THE COMPANY will manage the return order under the same system that was used for payment within 3 days from the confirmation of arrival at the warehouse of the returned order, once the product (s) are valued by the company. The refund of the return on the Customer's account or card will depend on the issuing entity. The application period will be up to 7 days for debit cards and up to 30 days for credit cards.


THE COMPANY acts as a distributor of manufacturers who guarantee that the products presented for sale are free from defects. However, the contractual guarantee offered is the one usually granted by the manufacturer, coinciding with that stipulated in the relevant legislation. Once the Customer has received the product, they will have the instructions provided by the manufacturer, sufficient for the correct use and installation of the product, and all the information about the warranty. No Client may request a broader guarantee than that indicated there.


THE COMPANY will not be liable in any case when:

  1. The access of minors to the contents included in the Web, being the responsibility of their parents or legal guardians to exercise adequate control over the activity of the minors in their charge or to install any of the control tools for parental use of the Internet with The object of avoiding either access to materials or content not suitable for minors, as well as the sending of personal data without the prior authorization of their guardians
  2. Errors or delays in accessing the Website by the Client when entering their data in the order form, the slowness or impossibility of receipt by the recipients of the order confirmation or any anomaly that may arise when these incidents are due and are not attributable to the COMPANY, either due to problems in the Internet network, acts of God or force majeure and any other unforeseeable contingency beyond the good faith of this party.
  3. Failures or incidents that may occur in communications, deletion or incomplete transmissions, so that it is not guaranteed that the services of the website are constantly operational.
  4. Of the errors or damages produced to the website due to an inefficient use of the service and in bad faith on the part of the Client.
  5. Of the non-operation or problems in the email address provided by the Client for sending the order confirmation.
  6. In any case, THE COMPANY undertakes to solve any problems that may arise and to offer all the necessary support to the Client to reach a quick and satisfactory solution to the incident.


THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify, at any time, the presentation and configuration of the Website, as well as these General Conditions. Therefore, THE COMPANY recommends that the Client read it carefully each time they access the Website and start the purchase process. Clients and Users of the website will always have these Conditions of Use at their disposal in a visible place, freely accessible for any queries they wish to make. In any case, the acceptance of the Conditions of Use will be a previous and indispensable step to the acquisition of any product available through the Website. SEVILLA 5.20, SL

Text revised in Seville, March 4, 2021

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